
This page provides information on how to build, test, and develop dask-gateway.

Building Dask-Gateway

Clone Repository

Clone the Dask-Gateway git repository:

$ git clone

Install Dependencies (Conda)

We recommend using the Conda package manager to setup your development environment. Here we setup a conda environment to contain the build dependencies.

# Create a new conda environment
$ conda create -n dask-gateway

# Activate environment
$ conda activate dask-gateway

# Install dependencies
$ conda install -c conda-forge \
    cryptography \
    tornado \
    traitlets \
    sqlalchemy \

Besides the above dependencies, you’ll also need a Go compiler. You can install Go using your system package manager, the Go website, or use Conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge go

Install Dependencies (Pip)

You can also setup the development environment using pip.

$ pip install \
    cryptography \
    tornado \
    traitlets \
    sqlalchemy \

Besides the above dependencies, you’ll also need a Go compiler. You can install Go using your system package manager or the Go website.

(Optional) Install Dependencies via Conda Environment File

You can easily install all dependencies needed for local development with the dev-environment.yaml environment file:

$ conda env create --file dev-environment.yaml

Build and Install Dask-Gateway

Dask-Gateway is composed of two packages, both contained in the same repository:

  • dask-gateway-server: the gateway server, located in the dask-gateway-server subdirectory.

  • dask-gateway: the gateway client, located in the dask-gateway subdirectory.

The install directions below are written assuming you’re in the top directory of the repository.

Building dask-gateway-server

# Build and install dask-gateway-server as an editable package
$ pip install -e ./dask-gateway-server

# or, build and install as a regular package
$ pip install ./dask-gateway-server

Building dask-gateway

# Build and install dask-gateway as an editable package
$ pip install -e ./dask-gateway

# or, build and install as a regular package
$ pip install ./dask-gateway

Running the Tests

The tests are located in the tests subdirectory, and test both packages. To run the tests you also need to install pytest:

# Install pytest with conda
$ conda install -c conda-forge pytest

# Or install with pip
$ pip install pytest

The tests can then be run as:

# Run the test suite
$ pytest -v tests

In addition to the main tests, additional tests for the various backends are run in docker (or in minikube for kubernetes). The scripts for setting up these test environments are located in the continuous_integration subdirectory:

  • Hadoop Tests: continuous_integration/docker/hadoop

  • PBS Tests: continuous_integration/docker/pbs

  • Slurm Tests: continuous_integration/docker/slurm

  • Kubernetes Tests: continuous_integration/kubernetes

The particularities of each setup differ, please see the .github/workflows/test.yaml file for the specifics.

Building the Documentation

Dask-Gateway uses Sphinx for documentation. The source files are located in dask-gateway/docs/source. To build the documentation locally, first install the documentation build requirements. Note that autodoc-traits is used to inspect the Python source code, which makes us also need the packages listed after autodoc-traits to generate the full configuration reference.

# Install docs dependencies with conda
$ conda install -c conda-forge sphinx dask-sphinx-theme sphinx-autobuild autodoc-traits kubernetes_asyncio skein sqlalchemy

# Or install with pip
$ pip install sphinx dask-sphinx-theme sphinx-autobuild autodoc-traits kubernetes_asyncio skein sqlalchemy

Then build the documentation with make

# Running from the dask-gateway/docs folder
$ make html

The resulting HTML files end up in the _build/html directory.

Then consider using another make command to rebuild the documentation and refresh a browser viewing the built documentation.

# Running from the dask-gateway/docs folder
$ make devenv